TRAFFIK dari blog-up

Salam...pagi...traffik dari sini ber ratio 10:9
Tak perlu dirisaukan.... blog kita akan muncul pada semua pengguna blog-up tapi tak kerap...bergantung pada traffik blog kita juga ..kalau ganas paparan blog kita atau slot blog kita akan kerap jua muncul...

sedikit keterangan ..hehehhehe

The 10 to 9 sharing ratio leaves BlogUpp! 1 impression out of each 10, which is used for advertising and
Premium extra-promotion acquired by bloggers. This allows the service self-support expenses like
bandwidth and servers, and ultimately provide its community a cost free service.
See your blog promotion details in BlogUpp! stats and dare to acquire additional impressions for much better results.

1 comment:

~~su manje~~~ said...

singgah disini dari search engine...
maaf tulis disini